Mardie Caldwell
Award-winning author Mardie Caldwell newest book, Ellie, The Brave, Bald Fairy, was inspired by her seven-year-old granddaughter who recently battled stage 3 Wilms kidney cancer.

Mardie would be happy to share her family’s experiences as they navigated the journey to recovery with her granddaughter. She can discuss topics such as:

  • The emotional and physical struggles Ellie had to endure while battling cancer.
  • How to help a child maintain hope and positivity while in treatment.
  • The importance of a family supporting each other while dealing with pediatric cancer.
  • Finding the best doctors and treatments for a child diagnosed with cancer.

Questions About Ellie the Brave, Bald Fairy

Author Mardie Caldwell is available for interviews including television, print, and radio/podcasts. She is an accomplished and experienced media personality and can be available on short notice.

Here are some sample questions if you would like to interview her about Ellie the Brave Bald Fairy, her experience with pediatric cancer, and her granddaughter Ellie who was the inspiration for the book.

  • Can you tell me a little about Ellie the Brave Bald Fairy?
  • What inspired you to write this book?
  • How did this story come into existence?
  • What did you learn when you were writing the book?
  • What surprised you the most?
  • What does the real-life Ellie think of the book?
  • How is Ellie doing now?
  • Is this book only for kids struggling with cancer?
  • What are your hopes for this book?
  • Will there be more stories about Ellie the Brave Bald Fairy?

To schedule an interview with author Mardie Caldwell, please call her publisher, American Carriage House Publishing at 1-866-986-BOOK.
Ellie The Brave, Bald Fairy is also available on multiple formats on Amazon.


Interview Questions About Adoption

Here are 12 possible interview questions for Mardie Caldwell. She can speak to most any topic in adoption including breaking adoption news and current adoption stories or issues.
She flies out of Sacramento, California and is available quickly to be on camera at one of the Sacramento production studios or by phone. For media inquiries, please contact our media team at American Carriage House Publishing. They may be reached directly by calling 1-866-986-BOOK.

  • How did you get into adoption?
  • What is the average woman like who chooses adoption for her baby? Do you have any stories?
  • What is the reality of unplanned pregnancy in the U.S.
  • Why don’t we hear more about adoption in the news? It’s all pro-life or pro-choice – where does adoption fit in?
  • Are there very many people affected by adoption?
  • What are some of the current myths or misconceptions about adoption?
  • You are a proponent of open adoption. What does that look like?
  • How is modern adoption different than adoption in the past?
  • You’ve been in the field of adoption for more than 35 years. What does that mean to you?
  • As an author, you’ve written numerous books about adoption. Tell me about one?
  • Many people are surprised to hear that newborn adoption still happens in America. How does that make you feel?
  • What do you think the future of adoption holds?