Did you know God is the only one who knows the adoption map, the road, the obstacles, and the safe direction that will lead you to the exact adoption He has planned for you and that special child? Will you let Him be the one to be driving you along this path, or do you insist on controlling the wheel?
God’s plans are greater than our plans
God knows the future and how to get us there in His timing. Will you trust Him today to take the wheel and control the way? I hope your answer is yes. Pray for a trusting heart and mind with a peace that surpasses understanding. Here are three Bible passages to encourage you to trust in Him:
I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me
~Psalm 16:7
You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.
~Psalm 73:24
The Lord alone guided them; they followed no foreign gods.
~Deuteronomy 32:12