Mardie Caldwell designed adoption prayer braceletsWhen I was in the process of adoption, the difference was prayer. We often need a reminder and I found that having a prayer bracelet around my wrist helped in my faith and hope for adoption.

These adoption prayer bracelets are daily reminders to pray for the child God has for us specially and that we long for through adoption. My prayer is that by your act of faith, your dream of adoption will come true, too.

Inspired by my own adoption journey, I designed and created the Adoption Prayer Bracelets as an inspiration to anyone touched by adoption.

Each Adoption Prayer Bracelet signifies the promise and prayer we have in our hearts for all who are touched by adoption. Whether a birth mother, adoptive parent, or adoptee, the beauty and acceptance of love through adoption is something to always keep in prayer.

View more photos of the bracelets I designed, and order your own at