Sitting at a theater, ready to watch the movieTonight my husband and I slipped away to go to the movies to see Breakthrough. It’s based on a true story about a 14-year-old boy, his struggles, near-death accident, and miracle recovery. It focused on an unfailing mother’s love of her child.
I was touched by the depth of the movie and its portrayal of adoption. Another recent blockbuster which featured adoption in its theme is Instant Family. I appreciate it when adoption themes in the movies stir up adoption-related discussion and dreams for viewers. For a quick breakdown of how adoption is portrayed in these movies and in the media in general, check out the piece “Adoption Movies You’ll Love.”
When I saw Breakthrough, it reminded me of my love for my son, who was also adopted. I almost lost him too, not through an accident, but a change of heart of his birth mother and father.
I too have faced all of the emotions that go with adoptions. As an adoptive mother, I fought for my son, even when we were told I had one chance in a million of keeping him. I took hold of that chance and never gave up. My faith and love carried me through the 18 months of uncertainty, financial losses and a long emotional roller coaster.

Mardie shares her best adoption advice!

Here I am with my son when he was a baby

Like the mother in Breakthrough, I wouldn’t give up. I see this unstoppable love in many of my adoptive moms and birth mothers who are so determined to give their child the best, even as it hurts. The strength comes from a deep faith inside of you — a promise from God.
This same faith, promise, and determination still serve our adoption program. We’ll never give up. We love our children unconditionally and take the responsibility given to us by their birth mothers to heart.
Years later, my love for my son is just as strong as ever. He knows he is loved deeply.
I hope you will take the time to see the movie Breakthrough as well. It will strengthen your faith, and I hope you too will come away with a reminder of the power of prayer.
Have you seen Breakthrough? What did you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments!